Overlay Selection This is the second issue that creates quality visualization. Material settings and selection of quality finishes are important for realistic rendering.
Our first topic, Modeling, is mentioned here . If you feel weak in the modeling section, visit that topic to see what you are missing.
In detail, you have finished the modeling stage and it is time to create the coating stages. The most important part in creating the coating stages is the harmony between each other in the coating as well as the same color matching.
Incompatible scenes stand directly in the eye and cause you to work with irrelevant colors and rainbow colors.
The problem of adaptation and indecision about color selection is one of the common problems experienced by the first person to begin visualization.
The biggest solution to solve this problem is to take advantage of the sample reference designs.
I would like to underline here, if you are making your own design from scratch, then you have already reached a certain stage, you have solved the color and material issues, you may not need reference pictures at this stage.
As with modeling, you may need training if you are unable to work out in material selection. Training is important and will result in a 50% reduction in your time.
In order to speed up this process, you can access our 3D Training Sets section.
But in this part, there is an important detail. If a beginner devotes his or her initial energy and effort to his or her choice of colors and coatings, the rest may have major problems, such as rendering and light trials.
It is one of the other important issues in using your energy and time efficiently on a project.
You can choose your favorite sample visuals and designs from the following sites about material and color samples.
As regards material selection, the above recommendations are not sufficient to create quality visualization.
One of the most important tasks of rendering engines is that they help us to create values such as reflection, refraction, relief, roughness on the objects we see in real life