Hi friends, I want to tell you about the importance of detail in 3D projects and what we need to pay attention to in detail. In 3D projects , detail is a very important issue, and it is an issue that needs to be emphasized.
One of the most important criteria of 3D visualization is to enter the details and show the details of the objects you model in 3D rendering visuals .
I’m trying to explain the quality visualization stages in chapters and in my blog.
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You can reach other, important issues related to this subject in detail from the following topics.
Another important issue of quality visualization stages is the details you will add to the 3d project . I will try to explain examples of these details to you below.
Detail is actually one of the crucial points of 3d visual studies. Because it adds depth to a space and an object, it makes it look effective.
For example, when you model a vase, the effect you will have will be very different if you model it up to the embroidery on the vase model.
There is a big difference between the modeling of the models to the smallest detail and the visual quality you will get on the model with only visualization.
3d projectsModeling the details of the models to the finest detail and combining these images during rendering will produce very high quality results.
If we diversify the examples, we can list the examples as follows;
Enter into details such as baseboards indoors, hidden lights and motifs on the ceiling
Modeling to the finest detail in door and window models.
You can model any model exactly as in the example reference picture.
Modeling outdoors landscape and structure-related elements to the details You need to add
leaves, dust, puddles and any details you can think of outdoors.
You can replicate the details yourself,
3d projects in detail;
Example reference verbatim objects you use in your visual to model
the same time, from your own perspective 3d project is related to the subject you to the floor.
Another important issue is the coating issue in 3d projects. You can read this section below.
Another important aspect of the 3D project is coating. In order to prepare the coating, it is necessary to have the coating information used on the model first.
For example ;
Which coating was used on the model? for example, was my wood veneer used?
Does this veneer consist of a single veneer? or is it a combination of several different coatings?
What is the effect of the wood coating used on the model? (such as glare and tumbling)
Are there any characteristics on the wood veneer that affect the model such as pollution and tumbling?
Attention should be paid to such details, and in the 3D program you are using, you need to know how to make the details mentioned above.
In 3D Project, only modeling is an important part for the quality visual stages in the detailing of the coating on the model .
For example, if you are using a Vray rendering engine ; Important parameters such as
pollution, mixing and blending of multiple coatings, such as
Vray Dirt
Vray Mix
Vray Blend , should be used in the sections mentioned above. Using these parameters, you can achieve the best results by making coating experiments on the model you have drawn.
All of your 3D project drawings, 3d project assignments , 3D housing projects , 3d project designs that we have mentioned above, all the details mentioned above will help you to get high quality work and your projects to be at the top.